Project Description
A thrilling, poetic narration with the legendary Lee Scratch Perry, this movie is a unique project in many ways: it’s not a biography but rather a fairytale documentary! The director followed Lee Perry for 15 years and discovered a story that is almost impossible to believe: a revelation, told about and with one of the major protagonists of contemporary music. It is a mind-blowing encounter with „The Prophet“ of the international Rastafari movement, one of the icons of the Black Power movement and “the” inventor of reggae and dub and it is also a humorous adventure of epic dimensions. The movie can be seen as a guide for how to change the world with music – with a positive attitude, mindset or, as Lee Perry calls it: “vibration”.
I was 14 when I discovered the music of Lee Perry and Bob Marley, and as a German teenager, it changed my life. Since then it has always been my greatest dream to make a film with Lee Perry, whose mastery also lies behind so many Bob Marley songs. Now, 32 years later, we are about to finish this very extraordinary project and finally fulfill this dream.
For the past 15 years I have been going to his house regularly, equipped with my camera and microphone. Over the years we became friends and now we are looking at an immense collection of intimate footage full of surprise, excitement and poetry. The making of this movie has been a long and deep process revealing a shy and extravagant artist who is commonly regarded as a genius.
The movie will always be the most intimate, extensive and fascinating adventure you can possibly have with Lee Perry, one of the most special and influential artists of all times. This project is unrepeatable. Prepare yourself for this unique experience: the „Vision Of Paradise“!
Volker Schaner, director and producer

Born 1968 in Augsburg, Germany, he started his career at the age of 19 as director’s assistant to Peter Fleischmann for the science-fiction movie „Hard To Be A God“, followed by several award-winning documentaries including „Deutschland, Deutschland“, about the reunification of Germany. After finishing university studies in history, literature and linguistics he founded his own production and postproduction studio in Berlin. From here emerged a series of productions such as the childrens animation series „Odyssey“, documentaries for ARTE/ZDF and short movies and commercials of all kinds. In 2011, he was the German coproducer of „Hajnal Nemeth – Crash/Passive Interview“, the official Hungarian contribution to the Venice art biennale. His first documentary „Prague – stage of the unexplainable“ is a unique portrait of the Czech art and theater scene of the late 20th century. Currently Volker Schaner is working on the movie „Vision Of Paradise“ and on the documentary „Resurrection in Aksum“ about the Ethiopian Orthodox Church as a unique form of a Judeo-Christian church.
Daniela Schmid, executive producer

Born 1968 in Augsburg, Germany, she finished art school in 1986, followed by attending several photo studios in Paris. She finished the renowned photo school in Munich and volunteered at the famous Gaertner Platz opera in Munich. Between 1991 und 2006 she worked as a journalist photographer based in Los Angeles. 2006 she moved to Berlin and has been working since then as an independent film producer.